A downloadable Celaria (Alpha) for Windows

Celaria is a first person parkour platformer with emphasis on fast and reactionbased gameplay.

NOTE: The final version of the game was released on Steam:

  • Parkour Moves: Run from the startpoint to the goal as fast as possible. Make use of your parkour abilities like wallruns, walljumps, slides and rolls.
  • Power-Ups: Use the colored blocks to your advantage! They provide you temporary "power-ups". Green blocks allow you to jump higher while yellow blocks double your running speed.
  • Map-Editor: Create your own maps in the built-in map-editor and share your creations with other players.
  • Multiplayer-Mode: Create your own server and race against other players.

IMPORTANT! If the game crashes with a "Shader compilation error" you will need to install the DirectX 9 End User Runtimes in order to run it:

DirectX End User Runtimes: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=8109

You can buy the final version on Steam: :)

Follow the development of the game on Twitter and Youtube.

We also have a Discord server! :D

Discord Server

StatusIn development
Rated 4.6 out of 5 stars
(45 total ratings)
Tags3D, 3D Platformer, Colorful, First-Person, Parkour
LinksHomepage, Twitter/X, Youtube, Community


Celaria_open_alpha_v5.zip 20 MB
Celaria Map Editor Introduction.pdf 5 MB

Install instructions

Download the .zip file which contains the game. Extract the whole content from the .zip file anywhere on your PC. (You can as an example create a folder on your desktop and extract the content of the .zip in there.)

After that's done simply start the .exe file which was extracted from the zip.


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The game crashes for me when I try to launch it under Wine. (Error: https://pastebin.com/0CeDSPwt)


Deleted post

i usually love parkour games and time trial game but this was just frustrating for me. finally figuring out what to do felt like work and then some of the stuff i learned in previous maps clashes heavily with the use of colors on maps further along. Plus i cannot get this thing to roll or climb when i need it to. some documentation on what techniques make it possible to do certain things without instantly hitting 0mph would be really useful. like hwere its going but the game obviously doesn't want me playing it.

can't even play it. because a SHADER PAC

same bruh

Very fun, though I wish it had controller support.

Also I couldnt get it to go fullscreen, though I'm pretty sure that's just me being inept with computers lol

P.S. this music is great!

Nah thats probably intended


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how to use the DirectX thinge

this is a good games but ts easily to get lost in the level and fall down


you have no air movement so that feels bad besides that a goodgame




what are the differences of the free version and the steam version?


Steam version isnt in Alpha and this one is.

and the steam version is more optimized, it has online, and it has a better feel for movement

Im not gonna download the game until you tell me if it requires uncooking or not,please tell me.



I also have no clue what they mean by that

Uncooking is something you need to do for most unreal engine games using directx,it is hard to do and requires advanced pc users(im not advanced)

I'm pretty sure if that was the case the devs would say that on the webpage. I'm learning development for Unreal Engine and I've never heard of "uncooking" before.

Uncooking exists,and most devs dont say they're game needs you to do it

it doesnt require uncooking

thanks my guy

i cant play it when i open it it says 

FATAL ERROR in Vertex Shader compilation
ShaderName: sh_shadow_projection

D3DXCompile failed - result

at gml_Script_scr_render_scene
stack frame is
gml_Script_scr_render_scene (line 0)


i played the game and it was really fun to play! I am going to keep playing it and make more videos!! It would really help alot if you could check out my youtube channel!!


This is honestly one of the best parkour games i have ever played. the controls feel like they have been ripped out of mirriors edge (which is a good thing btw). they gameplay is butterly smooth and the gameplay is SO FUN. i would 100% recommend this game. the only thing is multiplayer is dead. i don't know if this just me but nobody plays multiplayer. i check everyday to see the number count at 0. other than that i would rate this game a solid 8/10. nice job


cool game!


trash game cant game it 

(1 edit) (+5)

Your comment is as dumb as this cat:


@VirusDev i agree!


Your just bad at the game and give up too quickly like an idiot


Dont expect all games to be easy

(1 edit)

will you ever make this game free on steam? i have enjoyed the free demo alpha thing and played that for like 2 years. it will be cool if you make the game free for one day on the 12th of October to celebrate the anniversary of putting this amazing game on steam

since you have to pay a fee to put your game on steam, its pretty unlikely... but look at all the free indie games on steam anyway, those dont really care too much on the profit.

yeah i bought it anyway. the multiplayer is dead so i really want people to o onto this game

Deleted post

If you're a mobile gamer, get geforce experience. It's FREE

hey is it on ios? i can't seem to find it


I just realized an error in my post, I meant to say GeForce Now. I found a thread that states that apple is opposed to allowing this because they want to promote their exclusive gaming service. It is a little outdated, but you can check if you want. If you have any type of pc that also works. It's a service where no matter what the hardware, it streams the game to you and you stream the input back to the host server.

(1 edit)

thanks. it still doesnt come up. is it in ios and does the game be downloaded in the uk?

I'm not sure. If you couldn't find it, it probably isn't there. You can download it on pc though.

will you ever add a multiplayer mode

(1 edit)

The full game on steam has multiplayer

I downloaded the DirectX exe from the link and installed it, but trying to run the game still gives me a fatal error. What do I do?

FATAL ERROR in Vertex Shader compilation
ShaderName: sh_shadow_projection

D3DXCompile failed - result

at gml_Script_scr_render_scene
stack frame is
gml_Script_scr_render_scene (line 0)

Hard to tell. Usually installing the DirectX runtime provided by the link should fix this issue.
What are your PC specs? (Most important: what is your exact GPU model?)

I just got the full version of the game and it worked fine lol.

Can you sell your game here too? I hate using Steam and would rather just get the game without the need of a client.

The game utilizes various steamworks features such as online leaderboards, online replays as well as the steam-workshop. Those features would have to be cut in order to release it outside of Steam.

Damn well that sucks no problem than I will figure something out.

It is a good game only that it is a shame that you charge for the full version in steam when people who want to give you a contribution could put it on the page for free or get paid a little

Copyrighted music?


The soundtrack is an entirely original composition made specifically for this game. :)

is the soundtrack online anywhere?

i cant play the game because i changed the resolution and it broke the mouse everytime i go to hit apply it stops and my mouse leaves the box

You can reset the video settings by opening the localappdata directory (type "%localappdata%" into the windows search bar and hit enter) then going into "Celaria_open_alpha_v5\profile" and deleting the "config.ini" file.

congrats on making it to steam! i feel this game will be great! keep up the good work! even just this build of the game could be confused for a finished one that's how good this build is so i can only imagine how great the final build will be. i will be sure to buy it once its out!

I wanted to ask will this game be free cuz my mom wont let me buy games.

The game will have a commercial release on steam.

Please more maps.

This is a good game.

=D <3

The final game will have a total of 25 maps for the singleplayer mode. (with varying degrees of difficulty) :)

Just a couple things I'd like to say myself.

1. Is there any way to bind controls to mouse buttons? I'm quite fond of having my jump on LMB and crouch on RMB in games like this, and I haven't found a way to make this happen in this game yet.

2. Trying to rebind the 'reset' key softlocks the program (not sure if it's actually a hardlock; you  can move the mouse but you can't interact with anything or exit the keybind mode). It doesn't seem like trying to rebind anything else does this.

3. Is there a version of this available for Linux?

This is a great game! I hope to see more work done on it!

I already answered this on discord, but i figured i'll do this here too in case someone stumbles upon this post in the future :)

1. The internal build of the game has the ability to bind the jump and slide/roll button to the left/right mouse button. This feature will be available in the final build of the game.

2. I'm not aware of this issue. (Probably a bug that was fixed a while ago? The public alpha is quite old compared to the internal build)

3. No plans for a Linux version. (Mostly due to technical hurdles.)

When's 6 alpha coming out.

(1 edit)

The next public release of the game will be the final version of the game. (The internal/non public build is already in late beta/nearly finished state)

Thanks, i am gonna wait until it comes out.


How can i get custom maps?

(2 edits)

They were originally hosted on the games forum (which was taken down due to the new GDPR law in europe.)

I moved the community hub to discord since then. One member of the community created a spreadsheet which contains the information of all available custom mapfiles (with download links) and posted it on discord. Here is the link to this spreadsheet:


amazing work! it really is a lot of fun to get into. you've got a talent for creating games!

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